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North Korea's Kim Jong

時間:2023-01-30 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, front, claps during a test-fire of what it says a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile, at an undisclosed location in North Korea, March 24, in this photo distributed by the North Korean government. AP-Yonhap
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, front, claps during a test-fire of what it says a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile, at an undisclosed location in North Korea, March 24, in this photo distributed by the North Korean government. AP-Yonhap

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has sent a message of congratulations to Queen Elizabeth, the reclusive state's foreign ministry said, as Britain celebrates her Platinum Jubilee.

Friday marked the second of four days of pomp, parties and parades to celebrate the 96-year-old monarch's record-breaking 70 years on the throne.

"I extend my congratulations to you and your people on the occasion of the National Day of your country, the official birthday of Your Majesty," Kim said in a message dated June 2.

Britain and North Korea established diplomatic relations in 2000.

North Korea is one of the few countries that the queen, who is also head of state of 14 other nations including Australia, Canada and New Zealand, has never visited during her long reign. She has however paid a state visit to South Korea. (Reuters)

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