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Leading MQ

編輯:開云體育app官方網站來源:開云體育app官方網站 發布時間:2023-01-27 04:47:31【字體:

Huneed's global business division head Choi Seong-hyun, left, and GA-ASI Vice President Steven Eiting pose for a picture during a commemoration of the shipping ceremony at Huneed's headquarters in Incheon, Dec. 8. Courtesy of Huneed
Huneed's global business division head Choi Seong-hyun, left, and GA-ASI Vice President Steven Eiting pose for a picture during a commemoration of the shipping ceremony at Huneed's headquarters in Incheon, Dec. 8. Courtesy of Huneed

By Kim Jae-heun

Huneed Technologies, a global aerospace and defense company, is expected to expand its market share of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) through a partnership with General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI), a world leader in the field of military unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

A close-out ceremony was held at Huneed's headquarters in Incheon, Dec. 8, to commemorate the final shipment of circuit card assemblies (CCA) supplied to GA-ASI's UAV platform. Huneed was awarded the highest certification of quality and delivery from GA-ASI at the event, strengthening its position as a global supplier and partner.

"Huneed Technologies is one of Korea's premiere defense companies whose capabilities are complementary to our own, and GA-ASI is looking forward to a strategic partnership that optimizes product quality, schedule and costs," GA-ASI's Vice President Stephen Eiting said.

Huneed was selected by General Atomics as its sole CCA supplier. A memorandum of understanding was signed in October 2021 to further strengthen cooperation in the UAS field, and the two companies are currently in discussions for additional production of Avionics.

"This award epitomizes the deep partnership and commitment between the two companies. Huneed will continue striving to be a value-add partner to General Atomics," said Choi Sung-hyun, Huneed Technologies' head of global operations.

GA-ASI is the manufacturer of the MQ-9, a remotely piloted aircraft operated by the U.S. and many other NATO member countries as an intelligence-gathering and strike-capable asset. GA-ASI has delivered more than 1,000 unmanned aircraft since its founding in 1992 and its aircraft have flown over 7 million hours. GA-ASI's newest and most advanced aircraft, the MQ-9B SkyGuardian and SeaGuardian, are tailored to meet the multi-domain and multi-environmental needs of its customers.

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